Sri Reddy, who has been making the headlines lately with her shocking revelations on the casting couch in Tollywood, has seemingly turned her attention towards actor Nani. In a recent Facebook post she wrote, “Nani + Sri reddy =dirty picture.. when??coming soon ..”. The post has triggered speculations that she might share a controversial photo or video of the actor soon.
In an earlier post, Sri had accused the actor of sexual harassment. She had stated that Nani had spoiled the life of an aspiring actress by making her life a living hell. “U act very well in the real life also..on screen also natural..U look natural..but that's ur mask.. U always play super drama in front of the people..big heroes are better in front of u, who has their parents grand parents support..all they are well mannered and well disciplined.. learn from charan, mahesh babu, jr.ntr such a great co stars..they dnt have ego at all.. and u have lot of attitude..U can't respect small directors who r upcoming,such a bad attitude u got that u r succeed..U got a kid recently great congratulations ..but be careful in your life, bcz u used so many girls vag.nas.. girls are still crying f**k..d by u badly.. but remember god always will be justice side..might be takes time to punish.. but u wl suffer.”
Sri Reddy has accused famous personalities like Pawan Kalyan, filmmaker Shekar Kammula and Suresh Babu's son Abhiram Daggubati of exploiting her in exchange of giving her work.