South actress, Sri Reddy is busy accusing and targeting the popular names from the South film industry in her casting couch controversy. While in the past, she has accused big stars like Abhiram Daggubati, AR Murugadoss, Kortala Siva, Nani, Raghava Lawrence and Srikanth, Sri recently accused that actor Vishal Reddy is threatening her after she revealed dark secrets about Tollywood and Kollywood. The actress has now accused some popular actresses down South. She took to her Facebook account to make some shocking allegations.
Now if we read between the lines, Tris , nay, ka..l can be popular actresses like Trisha, Nayanthara, Kajal Aggarwal, Samantha Akkineni and others. But again, we aren’t linking these actresses and it’s only a mere assumption. There is a reason why she decided not to name them. Especially after the defamation suit filed against her by Sundar C.