Superstar Rajinikanth, who is busy with his mega-budget sci-fi entertainer '2.0' recently graced the centenary year celebration of Yogoda Sastanga Society founded by Sri Sri Pramahamsa Yogoda, and released the spirituality book 'Deiveega Kadhal'.
Addressing the gathering about the immense greatness of spirituality, the 66 year old said, "Am always proud to be a spiritual person. I like spirituality more than money and other things. Spirituality gives me more power." He also traced his history of learning spirituality. "My first Guru is my brother Sathyanarayana. My first spiritual Guru is Sachidanandhar. After his death, I have been following various Gurus. I learn devotion from Raghavendra. I learnt to search who I am from Ramana Maharishi. Paramahamsa Yogananda's autobiography created a big impact on me. My search of spirituality still continues."