Success meet of Dhanush's 'VIP 2' saw the actor present, along with Kalaipulli S Thanu, Vivek, and Soundarya Rajinikanth, amongst others. During his speech, Vivek wished the best for Soundarya, urging her to explore different kinds of scripts. “Though she comes from a big family, Soundarya doesn't show or have any attitude. The way she asks for a suggestion for every scene, her style of explaining the scene would be so neat and ethical,” he said.
“I wish Soundarya explores different kinds of scripts in various genres, as the audience today are very smart and want something new every time. I also heard that Soundary is listening to scripts to act as a heroine. That might also happen and it has been a long time since we saw a stylish heroine,” he added. 'VIP 2', despite being weighed down by most critics, has managed to woo the audience. Reliable trade pundits said the film grossed over £1.4 million in its opening weekend in Tamil Nadu. Its five-day weekend is expected to be around £2 million.