Sivakarthikeyan, who has seen rapid growth in the Tamil film industry currently awaits the release of his upcoming film 'Seemaraja'. The actor is also producing Arunraja Kamaraj directorial 'Kanaa', featuring Aishwarya Rajesh under the banner Sivakarthikeyan Productions. Amidst all this, the 'Velaikkaran' actor will also be seen in a comic book. His renowned film 'Varuthapadatha Valibar Sangam' is now been made into a comic book and is available for sale at the Book Exhibition in Chennai.
The news was announced by director Ponram who tweeted, “For the very first time, we're releasing VVS movie in comic's style book. Our comic's book is available at the Discovery Book Palace located at the YMCA ground book exhibition. Hope you all will like it. @Siva_Kartikeyan @sooriofficial #vvscomicsbook”