Fans are ecstatic as their favourite actor Simbu announced he would join Mani Ratnam for his next project. It has been reported that he will begin shooting for the film next year, after he wraps up a project. In the current movie Santosh Shivam will play cinematographer and Gautham Menon will pen dialogues. While it was supposed to go on floors in September, it hasn't taken off due to the crew's prior commitments. The film will be shot in English, and have no songs.
After the completion of this project, he will join Ratnam. If the partnership of the two aces isn't enough, the movie will also star Jyothika, Fahad Fasil, Nani, Aishwarya Rajesh, and Aravind Swamy. Simbu was last seen in a triple role in 'Anbanavan Asaradhavan Adangadhavan'.