Tamil actor Siddharth took to Twitter last week and shared that he has been subject to “targeted hate and harassment” since the death of actor Sidharth Shukla. He wrote, “Targetted hate and harassment. What have we been reduced to?” Along with a screenshot of a tweet that showed his image with the caption “RIP Siddharth.”
While one would think this is a classic case of fans mistaking one Sidharth, for another, a now-deleted tweet by a troll allegedly brought out some really mean comments targeting Siddharth. Hours before this tweet, Siddharth shared the now-deleted tweet with the caption, “This tweet and the replies. Nothing should surprise us these days I guess. I’m speechless.”
Known for speaking his mind, the actor is usually not deterred by trolls. A few months ago, he and actor Swara Bhasker had a hilarious exchange on Twitter wherein Sidharth mentioned that “Hindi speaking junta calling me south Ka @ReallySwara. Just to clarify…I would happily be Swara from anywhere or anytime. She’s awesome and a cutie.” Swara replied, “You are India ka Siddharth and we are soooooo thankful for you! Also, hey Hottie!”