Father-daughter duo Shruti Haasan and Kamal Haasan will soon play their real life roles in reel life in an yet-untitled Tamil project, which is expected to hit the floors very soon. The film, which for the first time the two are teaming up, will be directed by veteran Malayalam filmmaker TK Rajeev Kumar. “Contrary to the rumours, Kamal and his daughter are not coming together for upcoming Tamil comedy 'Appa Amma Vilayattu.' This is a different project altogether and it will feature Shruti as Kamal’s daughter,” said a source close to Haasan. “Since Kamal was already in talks with Rajeev for Appa Ammaa, he brought him on board to direct this film, which will feature his script. Kamal has been working on this script for a long time. “The rest of the lead cast will be finalized in a couple of weeks,” the source said, adding the team plans to go on the floors by this month end.” Kamal is in talks with maestro Ilayaraja to compose the music for the film. “In about a week’s time, both Ilayaraja and Shruti will officially be part of the project,” the source added. The film will be shot in the US, where Haasan is currently finalising the locations.