Actor Shruti Haasan took to Instagram to share a new picture and hint about her new project. Sharing a stunning photo, Shruti captioned her post, “Another woman and another story. You'll meet her soon.” The post has created a major buzz among her fans with several urging her to draw the curtains on her mystery project soon. In the meantime, the post is a clear indication that Shruti is on the verge of a major announcement.
On the work front, Shruti was recently seen in Telugu film 'Krack', which went on to be a major winner at the box-office. She was paired with Ravi Teja in the movie, which was directed by Gopichand Malineni. Shruti will also soon begin work on Prabhas' 'Salaar'. It marks the maiden collaboration of director Prashanth Neel and Prabhas.
The actor also has Tamil film 'Laabam' with Vijay Sethupathi gearing up for release soon. She is also occupied with her independent music career.