Shruti Haasan and her London-based actor boyfriend Michael Corsale have often been spotted together. However, this visit was different as the couple was accompanied by the 'Gabbar' actress' mother Sarika. While Shruti has never admitted about her affair until now, endless appearances with Corsale is enough proof for the media and the internet to believe there is something cooking. The three were seen on a dinner date, and we wonder if it was an official 'meet my mother' evening.
The actress kept her appearance basic and chic. Dressed in a pretty white layered maxi dress with a sweetheart neckline, she looked casual with her hair tied in a bun and just a pair of statement earrings. The three were clicked coming out of a restaurant. Sarika was seen carrying a lovely bouquet in her hand, which we assume was from Corsale and we think that is so sweet.