Talented actresses Shruti Haasan and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar had recently hit the headlines as the duo will be seen teaming up together for the first time for an upcoming Telugu cop film which also features popular Tollywood star, Ravi Teja. Titled as 'Krack', the poster features Mass Maharaja in stern look.
Directed by Gopichand Malineni, this film is reportedly neither inspired nor a remake of any film and is based on several true incidents. The makers had been treating their fans earlier with the announcement of the cast. The film will also feature popular actor who had won the National award for the ‘Best Supporting Actor’ for 'Visarnai', Samuthirakani. The film also stars Paayal Rajput, Priya Jawalkar, and Nabha Natesh in supporting roles.
Shruti, who was last seen in 'Katamarayadu' (2017), took a break from acting to focus on her music career. Meanwhile, Teja is wrapping up his next release 'Disco Raja'.