Ever since Shivani's pictures (daughter of star couple Rajasekhar and Jeevitha) started doing the rounds, there was a lot of buzz regarding her film debut. She was recently signed on to play the female lead in a Telugu film, a remake of the Bollywood film '2 States'. And now, Shivani will be making her Tamil debut opposite Vishnu Vishal in a yet-to-be-titled film, to be directed by newcomer Venkatesh.
An elated Shivani says, "I got a call from Vishnu sir's studio asking me to send some of my portfolio pictures. Later, I met the director and Vishnu in Chennai for a story narration. I really liked the heroine's role. But things weren't confirmed that day. A few days later, they told me that I was on board." Shivani says that the story is set against a rural backdrop. "Vishnu sir has a knack of choosing interesting scripts. This one, too, is a different film. It is a love story and there is a lot of scope to perform. I can't wait to begin shooting for the film in April," she says.
Shivani, who is doing her third year in medicine, says that she always wanted to become an actress. "I grew up seeing my parents work in the industry and have always wanted to become an artiste ever since," she says.