Singer Shirley Setia is all set to make her Telugu acting debut with a yet-untitled project opposite Naga Shaurya. She tweeted, “I am super excited to announce my launch in Telugu film Industry with @IamNagashaurya. Directed by #AneeshKrishna and produced by #Ushamulpuri garu under banner @ira_creations”. The makers are yet to reveal the rest of the cast and crew. However, sources reveal the project will go on the floors in December.
Tipped to be a romantic drama, the project will be co-produced by Naga Shaurya, who was last seen on screen in Telugu action-thriller, 'Aswathama'.
On the work front, Setia was recently seen in Netflix's 'Maska'. Known as a pop singer, Shirley made her singing debut with her 2014 single album 'Those Se Hum', later rendering her voice to Hindi films like 'Passengers', 'A Gentleman', and '5 Weddings'.