Sarathkumar who will be sharing the screen space with his daughter Varalaxmi for the first time in the film 'Pirandhal Parasakthi' apologised for not having done anything for the growth of his daughter’s career. While speaking to a daily the actor stated that he wants to apologize to his daughter for not helping her at the time of her debut film 'Poda Podi'.
He praised her courage and will power, as Varalaxmi is trying to establish herself as a leading actress in the Tamil film industry. Sarathkumar also opened up about acting with Raadhika after 21 years in the film 'Vaanam Kottatum'. The actor, however refused to answer anything about Mani Ratnam's 'Ponniyin Selvan' since there is a non-disclosure agreement.
Pirandhal Parasakthi' is produced under their banner Radaan Production. Also, Varalaxmi is the one who suggested that Sarathkumar and Raadhika would be apt for the roles when director Om Vijay narrated the script to her.