Actor Samantha Akkineni may have just aced Maha Shivratri celebrations, as she spent it meditating with friends Lakshmi Manchu, Shilpa Reddy, and Rakul Preet at Isha Foundation. She shared a photo of herself on Instagram, in which she, along with others is seen meditating.
The actor shared, “Every time I sit down to meditate, there's a surreal feeling that passes through me. It changes the way I look at things and frees me from internal thoughts that hold me back. Meditation brings a sense of calm and positivity in my life.” She encouraged her fans to meditate and start their journey of yoga. She called it “the greatest gift that you can give yourself.”
The 'Majili' actor added, “Whatever may be the method of meditation or the school of yoga that you follow. Start your journey now .. It will be the greatest gift that you can give yourself.” She ended the post with a quote that read, “Meditation is the only way to freedom from stress as it is a dimension beyond the mind. All the stress and struggle are of the mind.”
On the work front, Samantha is shooting for 'Shaakuntalam'. She also has 'Kaathu Vaakula Rendu Kaadhal' in the works. It will mark her first project with Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi. The actress is also set to make her OTT debut with 'The Family Man' Season 2.