Actor Samantha Akkineni recently participated in the 'What did she say' challenge and took the opportunity to take a dig at media who criticise actors for not voicing their opinion on important issues. The text on video read, “Them: We need your opinion on “this important topic”. Me: Wondering since when did actors' opinions matter soooooo much.”
The caption with her post read, “We're entertainers, Not fact-checkers. Why are actors crucified for having an opinion about the important matters pertaining to the world? We are humans too and We make mistakes too. But canceling us for speaking out or not speakings out aloud on each & every topic is a bit unfair, don't you think? Let us stick to what we do best .. making you fall in love with our performances #whatddishesay is a fun way to speak your mind .. what's on your mind ? #reelit.”
The post garnered a lot of appreciation from fellow celebrities who supported her on the matter. Yami Gautam wrote “spot on”, while Pragya Jaiswal said “ it!!”
On the work front, Samantha will be seen in 'Shaakuntalam', a mythological drama film. She will mark her digital debut with the second season of the popular Hindi series 'The Family Man'.