Actress Samantha Akkineni has spoken out in support of singer Chinmayi Sripaada, who has accused lyricist Vairamuthu of sexual misconduct. The actress tweeted, “Dear @23_rahulr and @Chinmayi I know the both of you for ten years now. I don't know two more brutally honest people. It is this attribute of yours that I value most in our friendship. I love you with all my heart and what you say is the TRUTH!! #istandwithchinmayi”
This is not the first time Samantha has stood up against culprits. She had earlier tweeted, “I am so happy that more and more women are finding the strength to say #MeToo. Your bravery is commendable. I am sorry though that some people, even other women themselves will shame and burden you with the question of proof and doubt. Just know that you are saving.” Chinmayi also found support in actor Sidharth, who took to Twitter and urged fans to hear what the accused has to say. He tweeted, “Multiple women are speaking out against Kavignar #Vairamuthu. Without judging anyone, they must be heard. When somebody of @Chinmayi's stature who has so much to lose, stands by the accusers, that's huge! There will be investigation. First step #ListenToTheAccuser #MeToo #Timesup.”
Just recently, in a series of tweets, Chinmayi recalled at least two occasions when the lyricist made her uncomfortable. The singer also claimed that she was told “she won't have a career” should she fail to “cooperate”. When he denied the claims saying they were an attempt to “cast aspersions on those who are popular,” Chinmayi called him a “Liar”. She said, “To EVERYONE who will debate about me on channels, whether you slut shame or call me names, Vairamuthu is a sexual predator. I will take this to my grave. And to Tamil channels who wouldn't even carry a ticker OR report, wanting a byte * after * Delhi news channels. No.”