Actor Saiee Manjrekar is all set to make her debut in the Telugu film industry with upcoming action-thriller 'Major'. Makers of the movie confirmed signing the actress for a crucial role and will join the sets in October. A bilingual shot simultaneously in Telugu and Hindi, 'Major' is inspired by the life of NSG commando Sandeep Unnikrishnan who was martyred in the 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attacks in 2008.
In a statement, Saiee said, “For me, what matters is the script and the impact the character has in the overall narrative. Once you deep dive in the dissection of the character, there are so many beautiful emotions that as an actress I can explore. This is what I saw in the script of Major which is why when it was offered to me, I instantly said a 'yes' to it. I am open to working even down South and this one is a bilingual shot simultaneously in two languages. I can't wait to start shooting for the film.”
Directed by Sashi Kiran Tikka, the movie stars Adivi Sesh in the title role. Talking about the role, Sashi said, “Casting right is the base for good direction. When we watched her work, we felt that Saiee Manjrekar fit the bill perfectly.”