Shah Rukh Khan is on a shooting spree! After extensively working on action entertainer ‘Pathan’, the actor is now planning to shift to his next project. While he is yet to make it official, SRK will soon start shooting for Tamil director Atlee’s next. According to a news portal, SRK has completed shooting for ‘Pathan’ in Mumbai and the team is now working on an international shoot schedule and in the meantime the actor shifted attention to his next entertainer.
Shah Rukh will reportedly start shooting for Atlee’s yet-untitled film next month with a 10-day scheduled planned in Pune. The team will apparently make an official announcement about the film first day of its shoot. This entertainer reportedly features Nayanthara, Sanya Malhotra and Sunil Grover and will be shot extensively in Mumbai, Dubai and other locations.
On the big screen, Shah Rukh was last seen in ‘Zero’. The Aanand L Rai directorial hit the screens in December 2018 and tanked at the box office. Since then SRK has not announced his next project but has often been snapped shooting for ‘Pathan’ in Mumbai. Directed by Siddharth Anand, this action entertainer stars Deepika Padukone as the leading lady with John Abraham playing the villain. Interestingly, Salman Khan has shot for an entertaining cameo in ‘Pathan’ and will be seen essaying his popular character of spy agent ‘Tiger’. Apart from ‘Pathan’ and Atlee’s next, Shah Rukh is also rumoured to have signed up for a film with director duo Raj Nidimoru and Krishna DK. He has also shot for entertaining cameos in Aamir Khan’s ‘Lal Singh Chaddha’ and Ranbir Kapoor-Alia Bhatt starrer ‘Brahmastra.’