With producers and filmmakers planning to resume shooting after the coronavirus-induced lockdown, actor Rana Daggubati, and father/studio owner Suresh Babu have received an increased demand from filmmakers for the space. Babu said, “Producers want their team isolated together during shoots to mitigate risk of infection. When you are filming in your city, you’d want to return home to your family, which is why makers are looking at locations outside the state.”
Rana said, shoots for TV and web shows have already begun according to government guidelines and several more will kick off in the next few weeks. Around next month, we should see some Hindi films readying for shoot across Telangana and Andhra Pradesh,” adding, “The studios offer end-to-end solutions, from accommodation to shooting, for which equipment, including cameras can be rented, and post-production work. We have fully functional editing and dubbing rooms, recording studios and VFX facilities. Even in-house technicians are available.