Actor Ram Charan has announced his maiden collaboration with filmmaker Shankar; an upcoming project to be released in five Indian languages. He tweeted, “Excited to be part of Shankar sir's cinematic brilliance produced by Raju garu and Shirish garu.”
Currently busy with SS Rajamouli's 'RRR' and his father's 'Acharya', Ram is expected to commence work on his project with Shankar later this year. Meanwhile, Shankar is currently working on his Kamal Haasan-starrer 'Indian 2'. The shoot of 'Indian 2' came to a standstill after a freak accident involving a crane on the sets. The accident left three technicians dead.
The shoot was cancelled indefinitely and it is rumoured that Haasan will only resume work on the film after completing work on his upcoming Tamil gangster thriller 'Vikram'. Meanwhile, Ram recently wrapped up work on Rajamouli's upcoming magnum opus 'RRR'.