Contrary to speculations that release of Rajinikanth’s 'Kaala' might get postponed, Dhanush’s production house has refuted the news and confirmed that the film would be released on June 7 as planned. Watch out for more exciting news in the coming days! The film is directed by Pa Ranjith and Rajinikanth plays an aged gangster named Kaala from the Dharavi slums of Mumbai. Nana Patekar plays the antagonist. The star cast has Samuthirakani, Huma Qureshi, Sampath, Ravi Kale, Sayaji Shinde, Eswari Rao, Pankaj, Anjali Patil, Arvind Akash and Sukanya playing pivotal characters. 'Kaala' will simultaneously be released in Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi.