Veteran actor Rajinikanth has been warned by the Madras High Court after he moved the court against the Greater Chennai Corporation's tax demand of Rs 650,000 as property tax for his Sri Raghavendra Kalyana Mandapam. The court warned him that costs will be imposed for rushing to the court against the tax demand. His counsel has asked for time to withdraw their case.
In his plea, Rajini said the marriage hall has remained vacant since March 24, 2020 when the coronavirus lockdown was announced. Which is why, no revenue had been earned in the bargain. The corporation had sent a property tax notice to the Tamil superstar on a half-yearly basis, from April to September.
On the work front, Rajinikanth was last seen in AR Murugadoss' 'Darbar', which turned out to fizz out at the box office. He will be seen next in 'Annaatthe'.