Thalaivar Rajinikanth set off on a private plane to Hyderabad last week to join the shoot of his upcoming film 'Annatthe'. The shooting came to an abrupt stop following a Covid-19 outbreak on the sets of the films in Hyderabad. Four crew members tested positive for the virus, while Rajini tested negative. However, the situation caused fluctuations in his blood pressure level, prompting hospitalisation.
The actor spent a few days under the observation of the doctors before cancelling the remainder of his shooting schedule and heading back to Chennai for complete rest. His health conditions even forced him to drop his much-awaited plunge in electoral politics. He later announced that he no longer holds the desire to launch his own political party.
Rajini will join his co-stars Nayanthara, Keerthy Suresh, Khushboo, Prakash Raj, and others on the sets. Bankrolled by Sun Pictures, the movie is written and directed by Siva. The movie is expected to be released during Diwali.