Veteran actor Rajinikanth has reportedly left for the US for a regular health check-up. He was spotted at the Chennai International airport over the weekend accompanied by wife Latha. Photos and videos of them have gone viral on social media platforms. Media reports suggest Thalaivar has a general medical check-up on his agenda. Both he and his wife are expected to spend the next few weeks in the country as he will undergo a few tests. He is expected to return to India on July 8.
On the work front, Rajinikanth has completed shooting of his upcoming film 'Annaatthe'. He shot non-stop for 35 days to complete his portions in the film which came to an abrupt halt in December 2020, when several crew members tested positive for the coronavirus. Written and directed by Siva, 'Annaatthe' also stars Khushbu, Nayanthara, Keerthy Suresh, Jackie Shroff, Jagapathi Babu, Prakash Raj and Vela Ramamoorthy. It is slated to be released on November 4.