Rajinikanth has flown down to the US with daughter Aishwarya for a routine medical check-up, triggering rumours that the 67 year old is unwell. He is expected to return to Chennai on July 10 and will join the sets of his upcoming film 'Kaala' two days later. Produced by Dhanush, the film will see Thalaivar play a slum-lord-turned-gangster. It also marks the reunion of director Pa Ranjith and Rajini, who had earlier collaborated in 'Kabali'.
Important sequences of the film will be shot in Chennai schedule where the makers have erected a set of Asia's largest slum in Dharavi on a budget of over a £100,000. Given that the film has been mostly shot against the backdrop of Mumbai, the makers have decided to simultaneously shoot the film in Hindi. 'Kaala' will also star Nana Patekar as a politician, Pankaj Tripathi as a cop, and Anjali Patil and Samuthirakani.