Actor-politician Rajinikanth has expanded his presence on social media, joining Facebook and Instagram. The first post on his Insta page is a still from his super-hit film 'Kabali', with a tongue-in-cheek caption saying, “Vannakam! Vandhuten nu sollu!” (Let them know I have arrived). The line is a popular dialogue from the very film. Both the accounts have received a verified blue tick. Within hours of making his account, Rajini had over 140K followers, and over one lakh likes on Facebook.
The '2.0' actor had made his Twitter account in 2014, and has seldom used it to promote his movies. It has been noticed that he only uses the micro-blogging site to share his comments and sentiments on issues of national interests. Meanwhile, Thalaivar's Insta post assumes significance considering his political plunge. Growing on the internet can be seen as a clear step towards his initiation to connect more with the youth.
On the work front, Rajinikanth is awaiting the release of two of his films, 'Kaala' and '2.0'. He will then act in Karthik Subbaraj's film, which is set to go on floors soon.