One of the biggest superstars the nation has produced, Rajinikanth is reportedly all set to join hands with filmmaker Karthik Subbaraj for a massive project which will be bankrolled by Sun Pictures. Recent reports suggest the actor charged a whopping amount for the project. If it is to be believed, Rajinikanth has given a 40-day call sheet and reportedly charged Rs 64 Crore for the yet-untitled film. The project is likely to go on the floors later this year and the film is expected to release next year.
The film will feature Vijay Sethupathi as the antagonist, and the music will be rendered by Anirudh Ravichander. Rajini, who is currently in the US, will return to Chennai next week. He currently awaits the release of the much-awaited 'Kaala', which being prepared for its release on June 7. Also, his sci-fi thriller '2.0' is expected to release by the end of this year. Directed by Shankar, the film also stars Akshay Kumar, Amy Jackson, and Sudhanshu Pandey in pivotal roles.