Telugu hunk Jr NTR has revealed that director SS Rajamouli is yet to narrate him the story of his next project, tentatively titled 'RRR'. Brand ambassador of Vivo IPL 2018, the actor was speaking at a press conference organised by Star Sports in Hyderabad. Speaking about Rajamouli's upcoming, featuring Ram Charan, he said, “He has not narrated the complete script to me. I am ready for it. He said that he will plan and fix a time and he will narrate it. When I get to hear it, I will share it with you. I think Ram Charan also said the same thing to you.”
It is believed that Rajamouli will face challenges handling two major heroes like the two. When asked about risks of comparison and competition, Jr NTR said, “There is definitely going to be competition. I feel it is not going to be two way, but three way, as SS Rajamouli is also in the competition. However, it will be a healthy competition and I always encourage it.” When asked what cricketer he would play in a biopic, Jr NTR said, “I am little scared portraying someone in a biopic. I really don't think I would ever be in a position or be ready to portray a hero in a biopic. I am just an actor and hero in films. Well! I don't thing I have guts to portraying a national hero.”