Tamil actor Raiza Wilson blasted a dermatologist on social media after being “forced” to undergo a treatment that she “did not need”. The procedure apparently went wrong and left her with a swelling under her eye. The actress took to Instagram to name and shame the doctor. Sharing a picture of her face after the treatment, she wrote, “Visited @drbhairavisenthil yesterday for a simple facial treatment, she forced me to do a procedure which I did not need, and this is the result.”
Raiza said the dermatologist is now avoiding her. She wrote, “She refused to meet me or talk to me today. Staff said she's out of town.” The actress also shared screenshots of messages she received from her followers, who came forward with their own stories. Raiza wrote, “My inbox is flooded with people who have faced similar issues with this doctor, tragic.”
On the work front, Raiza has number of films in the pipeline, including 'Alice', 'Kadhalikka Yarumillai', and 'Hashtag Love'.