Samantha Akkineni and Rahul Ravindran have confirmed that they would be part of the Tamil and Telugu remakes of Kannada hit 'U-turn'. Rahul tweeted a confirmation saying, “Looking forward to working on the U-Turn remake with one of favourite people @Samanthaprabhu2 :) And really kicked about getting to learn first hand from a maverick like @pawanfilms.” The 'Theri' actress on the other hand tweeted, “dancey dancey.. bestie on set!!.”
The film will go on floors on February. It will document the journey of a journalist who tracks down a few deaths on a flyover. The original featured actress Shraddha Srinath, and featured her debut. It was a hit and earned her several awards. Meanwhile, the remake will serve as a comeback for Rahul in Tamil. With all his attention in the Telugu movie industry, the actor was last seen in the 2013 Tamil film 'Vanakkam Chennai'. He is currently working on Telugu film 'Dhrusti'.