Music maestro AR Rahman has collaborated with International musician and singer, Bishop Briggs for his upcoming film 'Love Sonia', directed by Tabrez Noorani. Noorani's directorial debut, the human trafficking drama will see debutant Mrunal Thakur play the main lead, and other notable actors like Freida Pinto, Manoj Bajpayee, Richa Chaddha, Rajkummar Rao, Sai Tamhankar, and others.
Rahman released a statement saying, “Projects like these happen with a lot of good intention to propel positive changes in the society. It was a pleasure to work once again with Tabrez Noorani, this time as the director; Academy-nominated producer David Womark and the talented artist Bishop Briggs. I wish this project the very best!”
Briggs meanwhile said, “I feel so honoured to be part of what Tabrez has fearlessly brought to the light. Rahman is a complete icon and to have collaborated with someone who truly inspires me was an incredible experience I'll never forget. Tabrez and Rahman are legends and to have been able to work with them on something so special, that I know will make an imprint on the world, is something I am extremely grateful for.”