Actor R Madhavan shared a beautiful post about his wife Sarita Birje as the couple celebrated their 22nd wedding anniversary. Sharing a lovely selfie with his partner, Madhavan wrote on Instagram how he remains in awe of her even after more than two decades of their marriage. He wrote, “Keeping me in utter awe and in love all these years. Happy Anniversary Pondati ... to many many more ahead.”
The couple tied the knot in 1999, and are parents to son Vedaant. Madhavan had recently praised Sarita for teaching under-privileged kids virtually. He took to social media to share a video of her taking a class and wrote about feeling incompetent. Madhavan said, “When your wife teaches poor kids across the country, and you feel completely incompetent and useless.”
On the work front, the actor will next be seen in biopic 'Rocketry: The Nambi Effect'. He not only plays the lead role in the film, he also direct it. The movie is based on the life of Nambi Narayanan, a former rocket scientist at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) who was falsely accused of espionage and arrested in 1994.