Director KV Anand and Suriya are once again teaming up for a Tamil film, and rumour mills were abuzz with the news that recent Malayalam sensation Priya Prakash Varrier has been cast opposite Suriya. There were also reports suggesting that Varrier is one of the female leads of the film. However, the director himself has clarified that he hasn't even approached Priya for the film. Anand said that he's looking for a big heroine to Suriya's love interest.
The yet-untitled film is currently in its pre-production stage and the shoot is expected to commence later this year. To be produced by Lyca Productions, music composer Harris Jayaraj is reuniting with KV Anand and Suriya. The film will be written by Pattukottai Prabhakar, and is likely to release next year. On the work front, Suriya is presently shooting for 'NGK', which is being directed by Selvaraghavan. The film produced by Dream Warrior Pictures, also stars Sai Pallavi and Rakul Preet Singh in lead roles.