Young Malayalam sensations Priya Prakash Varrier and Roshan Abdul Rahoof both shot to fame with their onscreen chemistry that was appreciated by many. Recently, the actress shared a post featuring Roshan, which hinted that the duo are more than just friends. Priya took to her Instagram handle and not only thanked Roshan for being there for her always and also “promised” to keep all their “promises”.
Her caption read, “I'm not really good with words. But today I'd like to thank you for everything that you've done for me. You are the only one who always stood by me no matter what. You risked yourself for that each and every time. I don't think I can ever make it up to you. But I want you to know how much you mean to me. Ummm you already know what your worth is beyond these words. So, I wish you all the luck in life. Keep shining for me and stay blessed. I promise to promise you all the promises?”
On the work front, Priya will be making her Bollywood debut with 'Sridevi Bungalow'. Helmed by Prasanth Mambully, the movie also stars Asim Ali Khan, Priyanshi Chatterji and Mujesh Rishi. The actress had made headlines for the movie recently, when its teaser released and it irked quite a few celebrities, including Boney Kapoor. The producer slammed the makers with a legal notice and asked them to stall the release. The makers are gearing for a summer release.