Priya Anand has been busy lately, filming for Rosshan Andrrews' 'Kayamkulam Kochunni' with Nivin Pauly. Ecstatic about the project, she said the film is one she will cherish being a part. “I am really fortunate to get to work with a director like Rosshan and be a part of an epic like KK with some of our country's best technicians and talents. It was always a dream to work in a period film and I'm so glad to be working on something so authentic like this.”
Regarding her preparation for the movie, Priya said, “Since it's a period film and authentic to the story of Kochunni, a lot of research has been put in. One of our ADs, Monisha, researched the backdrop and stories for over a year and a half! The best thing about Malayalam cinema is how real all the characters are. So, once I get out of my caravan, it was like getting teleported back in time!” Priya revealed that she opted out of three films to be a part of this one. “I've always done things my way and have always gone by my instinct. And it always has paid off. Working with these amazing technicians and being able to be lit up by Binod Pradhan are things that I hadn't even dreamt of! It's not often that I get to work with someone as knowledgeable as Rosshan. And with Nivin and Mohanlal sir, this is one of the biggest films to look forward to this year.”