With the launch of audio-only app Clubhouse, several fake accounts under the name of big Malayalam stars have emerged. Actors like Dulquer Salmaan, Nivin Pauly, and Prithviraj Sukumaran have expressed displeasure while cautioning their fans against imposters. In the latest update, actor-filmmaker Prithviraj issued a statement forgiving his imposter, a day after calling what he was doing “criminal”.
It appears as if the imposter personally reached out to Prithviraj, and made amends for his action. In his statement, the actor said, “Dear Sooraj. It's alright. I understand that it was all meant to be a harmless joke. But I hope by now you've realised that something like this could have very serious repercussions. At one point, I believe more than 2,500 people were listening in to you and that a good majority of them thought it was me speaking. I had repeated calls and messages from many people in and outside the industry, and it was imperative that I put an immediate stop to it. I'm glad you admit that it was a mistake.”
He added, “Mimicry is a wonderful art form and I’m sure you know many of Malayalam cinema’s all time greats have found their way into the industry from the world of mimicry. Dream big, work hard and never stop learning. I hope you have an illustrious career ahead and wish you the very best.”
His note ended with, “PS: To all my well wishers and others, I DO NOT condone online abuse. So please stop it. And once again..I’M NOT ON CLUBHOUSE .”