Actor Prithviraj has bagged the distribution rights of upcoming multilingual film 'KGF: Chapter 2'. Releasing a statement on his social media, he said, “KGF 2. I'm a huge fan of the KGF franchise and pretty much everything associated with it. Hombale films was among the first to reach out to me after Lucifer and discuss the possibility of an association. I definitely look forward to that but no better way to start the journey than to have the privilege of presenting one of the most anticipated films in the country. Prithviraj Productions is proud to present KGF 2. Like millions of you.. I too am waiting to see Rocky's take unfold!”
Filmmaker Prashanth Neel has completed the shoot of 'KGF 2', and is currently busy with post-production work. The sequel also stars Sanjay Dutt, Prakash Raj, and Raveena Tandon. On the work front, Prithviraj also owns the distribution rights of Vijay's most anticipated movie 'Master', which is slated for release on January 13. He recently completed shooting for his next film titled 'Kuruthi'.