Actor Prakash Raj has shared a picture of himself from his hospital bed, after undergoing a successful surgery. Taking to Instagram, Prakash posted the photo, in which he lay in the bed with a surgery patch on his shoulder and his arm in a sling. The picture showed him smiling for the camera. He captioned his post, “The devil is back… successful surgery.. thank you dear friend Dr #guruvareddy and thank you all for your love n prayers.. back in action soon.”
The actor, earlier last week, had said, “A small fall.. a tiny fracture.. flying to Hyderabad into the safe hands of my friend Dr Guruvareddy for a surgery. I will be fine nothing to worry.. keep me in your thoughts.”
His fans and followers dropped comments on his post like “get well soon sir” , “wish you a very speedy recovery sir”, “welcome back sir”, and “God bless u”. Prakash was last seen in the recently-released Netflix anthology ‘Navarasa’. He starred a short film directed by Bejoy Nambiar called ‘Edhiri’. The film also starred Vijay Sethupathi.
On the work front, the actor has several movies in the pipeline, including ‘KGF: Chapter 2’, ‘Pushpa’, ‘Ponniyin Selvan’, and ‘Annaatthe’, among others.