Actor Prabhas was in Abu Dhabi shooting in outdoor locations facing the desert sun for a 20 day non-stop shoot for his upcoming film 'Saaho'. The tri-lingual film is supposed to be shot in various locations and a major part of the film is being shot at Abu Dhabi. The star actor has apparently smashed 37 cars and five trucks shooting an action sequence in the film.
Hollywood stunt master Kenny Bates is doing the choreography for action sequences. The Dubai action scene is expected to be the highlight of the film. Directed by South filmmaker Sujeeth, the film has Shraddha Kapoor playing Prabhas' love interest in the film. Others who will be seen in prominent roles are Neil Nitin Mukesh, Mandira Bedi, Jackie Shroff, Chunky Panday, and Mahesh Manjrekar.