Pooja Hegde is in her prime time. The actress is just signing one mega project after another. In latest developments, the actress is set to romance 'Baahubali's star Prabhas in a one of its kind love story. The movie will be directed by Radha Krishna Kumar and bankrolled by UV Creations. Hegde recently revealed that the film is a thorough entertainer and that she is looking forward to it. Talking about her role, she said, “The director (Radha Krishna Kumar) and producers (Vamsi Krishna and U Pramod of UV Creations) came to me for the narration. It's a thorough entertainer.”
She added, “Prabhas is a sensation not just in India but internationally as well after the magnanimous success of 'Baahubali'. It's an opportunity to prove myself. Prabhas has done that already, it's my turn now.” The shoot will start from next month onwards, and it will hit the screens may be in 2018. The film will be made in Telugu and Hindi and will be shot across exotic locations.
On the work front, Hegde is a part of Vamsi Padaipally's next with Mahesh Babu. She will also be seen in 'Rangasthalam', where she will be seen shaking a leg with Ram Charan for a special number.