After seeing their scorching chemistry in the 'Baahubali' series, fans have been shipping Prabhas and Anushka Shetty really hard. Rumours have circulated since the movie, about the two being in a relationship and even planning to tie the knot. However, recently, an entertainment portal has claimed that the two can never be anything more than close buddies, because of their family circumstances.
The website quoted a source who said that Prabhas' parents and relatives would never accept Anushka or any other woman he himself chooses, for that matter. A family friend of the actor, the source added that there is a very strong friendship between Prabhas and Anushka. However, the two would never allow the friendship to turn into love as they know there is no future for a romantic relationship. Prabhas is said to be extremely close to his father and uncle, and it seems that he will never act against their will.