Bollywood’s Sunny Leone dropped the first look of her first Tamil movie ‘Shero’ and it shows her in a never-been-seen avatar of the actress. She captioned the picture, “Survival is my Revenge !! Showcasing the first look of my first Tamil movie #SHERO #SunnyLeone #Shero #Sheromovie #Firstlook #poster #tamil #hindi #telugu #malayalam #kannada I can’t wait for you guys to watch it!!!”
The movie is written and directed by Sreejith Vijayan, who has previously helmed movies like ‘Kuttanadan Marpappa’ and 'Margam Kali’. ‘Shero’ will be released in Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada. Sunny had shared on Instagram that she had wrapped up the film.
Posting a picture of herself with director Sreejith, Sunny wrote, “It’s Wrap for #Shero !!! Loved shooting with this amazing Team.” Sharing the same photo on his Instagram handle, Sreejith had showered praise on his lead star, writing, “Thanks to @sunnyleone for making my dream come made this project into another level..Sarah Mike ,my shero @ikigai_motion_pictures @shero_movie_official.”
‘Shero' has been produced by Ikigai Motion Pictures. The release date of the film is yet to be announced.