The voice behind several Tamil and Telugu chartbusters, Sid Sriram is all set to debut as a composer for Mani Ratnam's upcoming Tamil production 'Vaanam Kottatum'. It is reported that the makers had originally signed Govind Vasantha as the composer. However, since the project took time to take off, they faced date issues with Govind and eventually roped in Sriram as his replacement.
Producer Siva Ananth said, "We did speak to Govind for the project. The film was supposed to take off earlier but it took us some time. Eventually, the dates didn't work out with Govind. We wanted a young talent for the film and approached Sid Sriram." Meanwhile, Sriram said he's looking forward to present completely new sound through the album.
"We're going to present a completely new sound. I'm in the initial stages of conceptualising the music right now. I've had many conversations with director Dhanasekaran to get the different emotional textures of the film. I've started sketching out the different sonic and musical spaces that I want these songs to occupy. I've been able to have some key conversations with Mani Sir as well, which have been very encouraging."
The film is due to hit floors later this month, and will star Vikram Prabhu, Aishwarya Rajesh, Madonna Sebastian and Radikaa Sarath Kumar in key roles. It will be directed by Dhanasekaran, who was earlier assistant to Mani Ratnam.