Popular Tamil actor and comedian Vivekh died in a Chennai a hospital, hours after he was admitted after a cardiac arrest. The 59-year-old was reportedly critical after a cardiac arrest on Thursday morning. He was brought in unconscious, was resuscitated, subsequently underwent a coronary angiogram and then angioplasty. A medical bulletin said he was critical on ECMO support, which pumps and oxygenates blood outside the body, but died on Friday. He was cremated with full state honours on Sunday. On Thursday he had taken the first dose of Covid-19 vaccine.
The hospital clarified that he suffered an acute coronary syndrome with cardiogenic shock. There was 100 per cent blockage in a vessel and his cardiac arrest may not be due to the vaccination.
Several popular celebrities such as actor Suriya, Trisha and filmmaker Shankar, among others, paid their last respects to his mortal remains. Vivekh's last rites in were performed at Mettukuppam, Virugambakkam and was given full state honours by the government for his contribution to art and social reforms. Prime Minister Narendra Modi mourned Vivekh's demise via a tweet. He wrote, “The untimely demise of noted actor Vivek has left many saddened. His comic timing and intelligent dialogues entertained people. Both in his films and his life, his concern for the environment and society shone through. Condolences to his family, friends and admirers. Om Shanti.”
Veteran celebrities Rajinikanth, Kamal Haasan, AR Rahman, R Madhavan, and Vikram shared their condolences. A popular comedian with a career spanning across 200 films over the last three decades, Vivekh was a Padma Shri recipient, a social activist and had worked closely with former president APJ Abdul Kalam.