Our forever 'Baahubali', Prabhas is now part of a Hindi-Telugu period romance with none other than Pooja Hegde of 'Mohenjo Daro' fame. The yet-untitled film will be directed by Telugu director Radha Krishna Kumar. “I knew Prabhas was already on board when the makers approached me for this entertaining love story. It has a beautiful role for me and I'm really excited,” Hegde said. She added, “Since 'Mohenjo Daro' took two years to complete, people assume I've done a lot of work down south but I'm still a new entrant. I was intimidated by Hrithik (Roshan) since it was my first Hindi film but this time, I am more excited. I've only heard great things about Prabhas and his work ethic.”
Hegde added that she will also be attending workshops that involve her rehearsing some action and musical sequences along with her co-star. The film will go on floors in Europe in June, and while Hegde will reportedly begin the shoot then, Prabhas will only join the team in July after wrapping up 'Saaho'.