Actress Pooja Hegde is all set to make a comeback to Tamil cinema with filmmaker Nelson Dilipkumar's upcoming. The movie, which has been tentatively titled 'Thalapathy 65' will feature Thalapathy Vijay in the male lead and be bankrolled by Sun Pictures. The film will mark her maiden collaboration with Vijay. It also marks her return to Tamil movie industry after a gap of nine years.
Pooja made her acting debut with Mysskin's 'Mugamoodi' in 2012, and went on to be a frequent face in the Telugu film industry. Promos of 'Thalapathy 65' suggest that it will be an out-and-out action movie, involving a lot of gunfights.
Meanwhile, Nelson is presently waiting for his second directorial 'Doctor', which stars Sivakarthikeyan in the lead. The movie was supposed to release on March 26, but got postponed due to the April Tamil Nadu elections.