Telugu actor-politician Pawan Kalyan has donated over Rs 30,00,000 for the construction of Ram Temple in Ayodhya. President of the Jansena Party and Chiranjeevi's youngest brother, Pawan released a statement saying, “Lord Sri Ramachandra is the replica for dharma and tolerance, sacrifice and bravery shown by him is an inspiration to all. India has withstood many attacks because of the path created by Lord Sri Rama. Hence, it is everyone's responsibility to extend solidarity for the construction of the temple in Ayodhya, the replica of such dharma. I am donating rupees 50,00,000 as my part for the construction of Rama Temple.”
Pawan added, “On hearing about my donation, my personal staff members, including not only Hindus but also Muslim and Christians, have raised rupees 11,000 for the same purpose.” On the work front, Pawan is awaiting the release of Sriram Venu's directorial 'Vakeel Saab', which is a Telugu remake of Bollywood’s 'Pink'. He plays the role of a lawyer in the film.