Actor Aditi Rao Hydari is on a career-high right now with a slew of films lined in her kitty. She feels she has found a strong footing in the southern film industry, and can't thank filmmakers enough for extending support and showing faith in her. Hydari said, "After I did two of Mani (Ratnam) sir's films back-to-back, the entire Tamil and Telugu region sort of opened up for me. I feel humbled to be approached by a number of good directors. In fact, when 'Padmaavat' released last year, I was not in Mumbai. I was shooting one film after another, and was there for just a month." She was seen in Mani Ratnam's 'Kaatru Veliyidai' and 'Chekka Chivantha Vaanam'.
The actress also spoke about her experience in the film industry and said she could not let go any of the offers she got in southern cinema. "I didn't let go of the opportunities because of the directors, actors and most importantly the challenges these films were offering. I was not thinking about the language. I was working, thinking 'Oh my God, I'm going to work with this director, I am getting to do such interesting characters. So, I decided to do all of them. It was literally a boom that happened," she said.
Aditi added that she was super impressed with the pace of films shot in the south, "Which gives actors a lot of time to do a greater number of films." When asked if she would cut down on Hindi films, considering the inflow of southern movies, she clarified that she wants to strike a balance. “Hindi is the language I speak, so obviously I’d love to do Hindi films. I’ve already signed one project but again, I can’t talk before the announcement is made. Yes, I’m more consciously trying to balance my career in the south and the Hindi film industry and hopefully, I’ll be able to do so,” she said.