Within days of announcing his political party, actor-turned-politician Kamal Haasan made it to the headlines after his former partner and actress Gautami opened up on why she split with him. The blog came as a response to AIADMK allegations that she is a part of Haasan's 'Makkal Needhi Maiam'. Kamal and Gautami ended their 13 year relationship in 2016, and reports emerged that the split was caused by Shruti Haasan.
However, in her post, she has blamed Haasan. “I had taken the decision to walk out and make my own life because it had become painfully clear to me over time period even prior to October 2016 that our personal code of conduct and commitment had become completely divergent. In my commitment to our relationship, I had believed that we shared the values and ideals that I have held dear all my life. The reason for the failure of this relationship does not lie with anybody else, especially with Shruti. No third person, especially children, can ever be responsible for the state of a personal relationship between adults. Both Shruti and Akshara are wonderful young ladies who I knew as children and I continue to look upon them as such till today. Neither of them have any responsibility for the breakdown of the relationship. That rests entirely on Haasan's change in commitment and my inability to accept that compromise and destroy my self-respect.”
Gautami said Haasan is yet to pay her remuneration for films like 'Dasavatharam' and 'Vishwaroopam'. “During the nearly 13 years of our life together, the work that I did as Costume Designer, was only for films produced by Raajkamal Films International, (RKFI), and for films that Haasan made for other producers. And this was my primary source of income as my working both in front of and behind the camera in other's projects was actively discouraged. In addition to this, it grieves me greatly to have to say that as of October 2016, I had salary dues pending right from earlier films like Dasavatharam, Vishwaroopam, etc. As these pending salary dues were the only financial resource at the time for rebuilding my life, I had made repeated efforts to recover the payments from Haasan and RKFI.”
She added, “I have chosen to speak out now because the speculation concerning my association with Kamal Haasan continues unabated and many people continue to labour under the wrong belief that I support and/or subscribe to his words, actions and decisions.”